
Posts Tagged ‘deal’

Get Local Deals And Give Back To Your Community!

So what’s this we’ve been hearing about? Well is a new community spirited online Deal website that promotes shopping local. I know what you’re thinking….”Another deal website? Why should I choose this one over others?” Well get ready to feel good about shopping! From every deal purchased 10% goes straight back to your local community! Of that 10%, 5% goes to the local chamber of commerce and 5% goes to the local parent teacher groups at your child’s local schools!

If you’re a business owner you’re wondering how you can get signed up to host your own Deal and the answer is so simple. If you are a member of your local chamber of commerce you can sign up today, if not then you would need to join your local chamber. The wonderful support team from then helps you create the best Deal for your business. That’s basically it…no smoke screens or trick mirrors. You join, you host and you make money for your business instead of spending time and money on traditional advertising where the rest of the competition already is! has a complete marketing strategy to reach local residents and promote your Deal. With the use of social media marketing by me Ashley High Stevenson, SVP Social Media Marketing I post content daily to linkedin, facebook, twitter and other similar websites! We also have a youtube channel to educate you on just how it has helped other chambers of commerce and business owners. I hope you’re excited and ready to get signed up today! If you’re ready to start shopping then you can head over there right now!